Happy Halloween

It’s that time of year again where I make Halloween gifts with my niece for her teachers. We posted this DIY before but these are just too cute we had to do it again! This time, my husband got over 180 full size candy bars for $25 due to Target miss pricing it and we’re spreading the joy by giving them out as gifts and we included them in this basket for my niece, Madison’s Kinder teacher. 

I like using a variety of sizes in length and width to make it look more fun. I then cover the candy bars with random Halloween characters which includes the jackolantern, ghost, frankenstein, mummy, and bat. I’m sure there can be way more cuter characters you can work with. 

We finished it with some cute ribbon on the sides and tagged it with a Halloween card. Voila, there’s our Halloween Candy Basket for Madison’s Kinder teacher. 

DIY ♥ sarakim


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